Hi, I'm Tyler Choice.
I created 1 2 3 Flow and The Zen Master Newsletter.

Introduction to Mindfulness - 4 Class Sessions - May 2024

4 Week Course. Via Zoom. Only 12 slots available. Book your seat!What is Mindfulness:"Mindfulness is awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way:
- on purpose,
- in the present moment,
- and non-judgmentally..
- 1. regulating our attention and energy,
- 2. thereby influencing and possibly transforming the quality of our experience
- 3. in the service of realizing the full range of our humanity and of
- 4. our relationships to others and the world.
This Mindfulness course is not hard, focused meditation.This Mindfulness is easy, sensational meditation to help you get space from your thoughts and emotions to bring ease into your life.Take some space and learn how to bring mindfulness into your life.

Introduction to Mindfulness: Sessions Schedule

May 5 - Session #1 - Introduction to Mindfulness - 1PM-2PM
May 12 - Session #2 - Introduction to Mindfulness: Awareness of Experience - 1PM-2PM
May 19 - Session #3 - Introduction to Mindfulness: Holding Emotions and Loving-Kindness - 1PM-2PM
May 26 - Session #4 - Introduction to Mindfulness: Holding Mindfulness in Your Life - 1PM-2PM
If you would like to join, please book the 4 sessions below.

"Every breath we take, every step we take, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it."
- Thich Nhat Hanh

1 2 3 FLOW

5 Minute SuperCharge

Recharge your batteries in 5 Minutes.

Are You Feeling Stuck?

  • Overwhelmed?

  • Unsatisfied?

  • Disconnected?

How much are you choosing yourself in your own life?

Want to talk about it?

Meet Me

Intuitive Spiritual Guidance and Space Holding Sessions with Tyler Choice.

Sign Up for a FlowCreator Session

I'm Tyler and I offer 30 Minute Sessions on weekdays to clear space and share time with others on their path.These are online Zoom meetings where we go through a few minutes of Presence in awareness, and then I listen to what you're going through to see how I can support you.This is a time not only to share your experience but to decompress, self-reflect, re-orient, and pivot into new directions.

After Session
Payment Information

A token of appreciation is appreciated!Please give based on the value you feel you received from your last session at the button below.[Sessions typically range around $60.]Thank You!

Looking for Support in Difficult Times

"Reach Out To Others
In difficult times, many people benefit from reaching out to friends, family and support groups for encouragement. The NAMI HelpLine—800-950-6264 or info@nami.org—can offer you sympathy and support and provide you information about resources in your community.
It can also be helpful to call a "warmline"—a phone number where trained volunteers offer sympathy and support. To find a warmline in your area, dial 211, or go to www.211.info, for information on local social services. However, both of these support lines are often peers living with a mental health condition and are not trained crisis counselors. "

Intentions:Go All The Way.
Never Sell Out.
Maximize Ability To Create.
Create As Many Moments of Love As Possible.
Be Effortless.

Inspirations:Wisdom - Solomon
Artist’s Heart - David
Love - Jesus
Simplicity - Lao Tzu
Courage - Naruto
Will - Eren Yaeger
Genius - Dionysus
Self - Gurdjieff
Character - Tyler Durden
Creativity - Dali
Trust - Osho
Vision - Dostoevsky
Wild Card

Works That Inspire Me:

  • Naruto

  • Attack on Titan

  • Evangelion

  • Star Wars

  • The Brothers Karamazov

  • Genesis

  • Enoch

  • Persona 4

  • Fight Club

Favorite Quote:“There is a great responsible Thinker and Actor working wherever a man works; that a true man belongs to no other time or place, but is the centre of things. Where he is, there is nature. He measures you, and all men, and all events. Ordinarily, every body in society reminds us of somewhat else, or of some other person. Character, reality, reminds you of nothing else; it takes place of the whole creation. The man must be so much, that he must make all circumstances indifferent. Every true man is a cause, a country, and an age; requires infinite spaces and numbers and time fully to accomplish his design;--and posterity seem to follow his steps as a train of clients.”

Are you in a low place?

I have always found meaning in reaching out to others and finding unique and special people to get to cross paths with in this life.In my younger years, I suffered from loneliness, depression, overthinking, anxieties, and I spiraled down into inner confusion and chaos.When I reached a rock bottom in my life, a point of no return, there was no one who could be there with me in that abyss.
At that lowest point, I came to know the void and my fear.
I survived that dark night, and although I would go through many more dark nights,
there was a change in me that would never be undone.
Where I had once feared death, the fear of fear,
where I had once feared not mattering,
not existing,
I had now already been with that.
To move forward from that point meant a decision to participate in life,
to be alive for one more second, to reach out to others and connect.
Back in that dark night, as far as the physical world is concerned, I was left alone.
I was low enough that I was in too dark of a place for anyone to be with me,
it felt that it was easier to everyone, much lighter if I simply stopped existing.
It was when my consciousness went through processing the possibility of no existence,
that I came to know that a single second of existence is infinitely priceless,
that existence is the treasure of all treasures,
and that it is the light that must be kept aflame at any cost.
I was shown that life is of a measure much more valuable than my limited mind could comprehend from a filtered subset of the total information.
This was not my only intense experience in life, but it was the one that gives me contextual meaning in the suffering of others who are going through intense challenges.There is an appreciation from these kinds of experiences that has birthed in me,
I am grateful that in my life, I am now able to be with people in the depths of the shadows of the human experience.
In the darkness of pain and grief, sorrows and distress, I have found that this is where the light was designed to shine. This is where I focus a lot of my conscious attention, my conscious light.

Who Am I?

My Background:

My ExperienceWorking with people in and outside of recovery has granted me
a working knowledge of modern wellness based approaches to healing. I have an awareness of shared suffering, patterns and commonalities in people in recovery.
My Knowledge SphereA long and deep commitment to learning from philosophical, psychological, and other information has brought me to a clarity of mind that allows me to pragmatically assess and consider modern approaches to wellness and holistic healings and modalities. This ‘clarity of mind’ could be described as a simple focus on what will lead a person on the way to their core or authentic self, and how to develop that self. I am aware of and familiar with most modern and cutting-edge practices and approaches in the health sphere.One of these approaches is the active teaching practice of Mindfulness, a practice that having learned about 10 years ago became the central key that would eventually lead me out of my alcohol addiction. I intend to apply a flavor of conscious creative mindfulness to the Portland community in the years to come.My ApproachMy core approach is to be with people where they are at, this means to be there for them.
In this approach, I model a stable and solid image and attitude from which I offer acceptance of a person and I ‘see the good in them’. I have found that instead of offering clients immediate solutions to present situations, it is more effective if I encourage them and believe in the best version of themselves, and give them the faith and trust that they are capable of overcoming their personal struggles.
My heart particularly calls to people who have no one believing in them, those who do not have faith in themselves and do not see their own light, those who are falling into depression and despair, reaching low points and breaking points. Highly sensitive people, spiritually sensitive people, artists, and those who suffer from addiction face unique personal and psychological battles to overcome which the world often neither understands nor recognizes.
My experience as a person through life challenges has allowed me to deeply understand many of these states and struggles.
My intention and ability to be with others during periods of deep personal darkness makes me particularly oriented and equipped in dealing with highly sensitive, troubled, or difficult people, including during periods of increased mental health struggles or psychosis.


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